Home » Island of Korcula » Vela Luka

Vela Luka is situated on the west part of Island Korcula inside the bay that is 9,2 km long. That bay makes one of best ports in eastern Adriatc coast. Vela Luka is the most populated settlement on the island. Connection with Split is very good, 2 ferry and one catamaran lines are sailing every day. This is the closest sea port to Prizba, about 17 km away

During the summer Vela Luka offers a rich nightlife with many coffee and night bars, restaurants, plenty of music concerts and cultural happenings. There is a neolithic archaeological site and it is the oldest evidence of human life on the island Korcula. From interesting places that you can visit we can indicate a local museum, cultural center, church of St. Joseph and very beautiful small island Proizd that is in the front of bay and has several pebble beaches. A long wavefront is ideal for a night summer walks.